“The Big Dream” Came True Because Of You!”
The Highland Park Café officially opened October 29, 2019
Curt’s Café Highland Park
In 2017, a team from the organization, Open Communities, took on the goal of making social change in their community. Their desired method was to open a Curt’s Café in Highland Park (CC3). The amazing and committed professionals at Open Communities worked for a full year introducing the idea to the community and another year raising the funds to partially fund the opening. WE OPENED THE CAFÉ ON OCTOBER 29TH WITH RAVE REVIEWS. WE LOVE OUR NEWEST COMMUNITY AND FEEL WELCOMED AND RIGHT AT HOME!
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED TO THE OPENING AND ALSO FOR BELIEVING IN OUR STUDENTS AND OUR NEW COMMUNITY. If you would like to donate specifically to our Highland Park Café please write that in the memo section of the donation.
Our Two Bold Goals for the Next Three Years Are:
Goal 1
Strengthen Curt’s Café’s leadership and governance structures in order to effectively support and achieve our mission.
Goal 2
Use our financial model and proven performance to expand our mission beyond Cook County and transform the lives of more underserved young adults.
Taken together, these two goals identify our aim to help more students, by opening new cafes, while sustaining the financial and corporate infrastructure to support that growth. We can already attest to the fact that we are well on our way to achieving our goals!
Curt’s Cafe leadership and governance structure supports effectively achieving our mission.
Our financial model and performance provides for expansion of those we serve.
Download Governance Structure PDF
Opening New Locations
Our new goal is to follow up on leads for new locations. We have been approached by many communities but have not been in the right position to research the potential of new locations. We are now in the position to answer the calls and look at what might be possible in communities outside of Evanston and Highland Park. Our New Venture Committee will continue to work on firming up details and funding however, we are ready to see what the possibilities are. Please contact [email protected] if you would like more information.
If you would like to donate specifically to our Highland Park Café please write that in the memo section of the donation.
Curt’s Café Graduate Program
In 2017 we put processes and staff in place to begin the development of a program to accommodate the needs of our Graduate Students. During our five years of operation, we realized the graduate students required additional Social Services, so we hired a Trauma Informed Social Worker to help with those challenges. We also knew the graduates needed more support on their next steps in life such as getting into college, a higher paying job, or a better apartment. We are continuing to grow this program, starting with developing a strong curriculum base that is supported by real life experiential trips to address the needs of the Graduates.