Six young ladies recently completed our training program. See below for a snap shot of what they are up to! Next month, we will feature our young men who have recently graduated…stay tuned!
Six young ladies recently completed our training program. See below for a snap shot of what they are up to! Next month, we will feature our young men who have recently graduated…stay tuned!
Aria was hired at Lyfe Kitchen in May and she happily reports that she loves it. She plans to continue to volunteer with us one day a week for as long as she likes.
Tegan is a doting mother and determined woman who loves all things knitting. She recently completed her GED (Woot! Woot!) and is now preparing to take the Constitution test. She’s been working at Home Depot for three months and hopes to pick up more hours this summer. Tegan is going to be taking classes at Oakton Community College starting in August and ultimately she’d like to open her own flower shop.
Dianna hopes to further her education by taking classes at Oakton Community College and ultimately wants to become a social worker. She recently secured a housekeeping position with Northwestern University’s Residential Services, and she’s been working with them for about a month.
Winter has attended summer camp for two weeks in beautiful Colorado and helped train new students in the café. She’s hoping to secure a job at VietNomNom.
Claudine is a hardworking scholar who loves children. She hopes to attend medical school to become an obstetrician and is currently looking to work in a doctor’s office, book store, or library. Claudine recently attended an enrichment program at Loyola University for three weeks and received AP credit. She was also connected with a new mentor who will assist her with her goals to attend medical school.