Their Stories. Their Voices.
Join Curt’s Cafe for a 30-minute zoom performance from Storycatchers Theatre.
Thursday, April 22 at 7 – 7:30 pm via zoom
Stories have the power to create empathy within us, and over time, people begin to see the world through the eyes of the ones they have opposed.
Jacob Clinkscales, Storycatchers, Teaching Artist
RSVP: curtsstories.givesmart.com
There will be a short Q&A after the performance.
Join Curt’s Cafe for a 30-minute zoom performance from Storycatchers Theatre. Storycatchers works with youth in the Juvenile Justice system to teach them how to tell their story as a means to help confront and work through their trauma. This transformative storytelling not only impacts their lives but allows students to develop skills to become mentors to other youth and influencers in their own communities.
Curt’s students share similar experiences as those from Storycatchers Theatre. We hope this presentation gives us some understanding of those we serve.
Curt’s Café dinner & dialogue take home meals will be available for this event, but they must be ordered by Tuesday, April 20 at 2pm. Learn More.