Donations can be made through all major credit cards using the green 'DONATE ONLINE NOW' button above.
NOTE: After hitting "DONATE ONLINE NOW', you will be transferred from to our secure payment gateway partner, APS, to process this transaction for Curt's Cafe.
Download our Donation of Securities form.
Download How To Donate Stocks PDF.
Contact Curt's Café's Development Team for more information.
Danielle Gonzalez
Donations can be made through all major credit cards using the green 'DONATE ONLINE NOW' button above.
NOTE: After hitting "DONATE ONLINE NOW', you will be transferred from to our secure payment gateway partner, APS, to process this transaction for Curt's Cafe.
70% of planned gifts are Bequests—gifts that are given through wills. They are the simplest and most common type of estate-planning gift. Your bequest also gives you the opportunity to create a lasting expression of your legacy.
A bequest can appear in your original will or in a codicil, and is revocable should you change your mind. Making a bequest is as easy as adding this suggested language to your will:
I/we give and bequeath to Curt's Cafe the sum of $____ (or ____% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) for the general purposes of supporting Curt's Cafe.
If you have already included Curt's Cafe in your estate plans please download and fill out the attached form so that we may thank you and acknowledge your generosity.
Download our Planned Giving/Bequest form.
Contact Curt's Café's Development Team for more information.
Danielle Gonzalez
Donations can be made through all major credit cards using the green 'DONATE ONLINE NOW' button above.
NOTE: After hitting "DONATE ONLINE NOW', you will be transferred from to our secure payment gateway partner, APS, to process this transaction for Curt's Cafe.
Contact Curt's Café's Development Team for more information.
Danielle Gonzalez
Donations can be made through all major credit cards using the green 'DONATE ONLINE NOW' button above.
NOTE: After hitting "DONATE ONLINE NOW', you will be transferred from to our secure payment gateway partner, APS, to process this transaction for Curt's Cafe.
Donations can be made through all major credit cards using the green 'DONATE ONLINE NOW' button above.
NOTE: After hitting "DONATE ONLINE NOW', you will be transferred from to our secure payment gateway partner, APS, to process this transaction for Curt's Cafe.